Watch how this man abuses a woman and repeatedly slam his Innova into her car in Ahmedabad

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While on one hand, India celebrated Women’s Day on 8th March, a shocking incident of road rage from Ahmedabad has surfaced that goes on to prove the point that Women’s Day was celebrated just for the sake of it.

In a road rage incident, a young woman was verbally abused by two men and then her car rammed repeatedly by their Innova SUV at a busy intersection in Ahmedabad. The man was careful to remove a child and his phone from the car before ramming his car into the woman’s car.

Whatever maybe the reason behind his mindless action, nothing gives him the right to physical assault a woman. The incident, which took place on February 23, was captured on a cell phone by a bystander, and has now gone viral on social media.

What do you think about it? Do you think this man has any right to behave like this?

Credit: NDTV

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Watch how this man abuses a woman and repeatedly slam his Innova into her car in Ahmedabad

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