This two-year-old cutest little girl sings heavy metal rendition of the alphabet song better than you ever will!

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Most of us learned our ABCs from our parents or teachers patiently repeating the alphabet song until each letter held in our memories. But this hardcore metal fan baby is doing it a little differently.

This two-year-old girl has shown that learning something to music always helps recall after she recited her alphabet nearly faultlessly to a heavy metal backing track.

Her dad filmed her unique version of “The Alphabet Song” while she was sitting in his lap. This is really amazing video and has gone viral with over 1.5 million hits so far.

I hope you enjoy it as much as we did. If you love this little girl’s heavy metal rendition, share it with your friends and family. They will appreciate it.

Credit: cb6652

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This two-year-old cutest little girl sings heavy metal rendition of the alphabet song better than you ever will!

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