What Would Your Reaction Be, If You See A Girl Trying To Pee In Public!

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Lack of clean public toilets is a severe problem in almost all the big cities across India and for women, it’s more worse than you can imagine. In India, you will have better luck trying to find a bank ATM than finding a public toilet.

While men can easily urinate out in the open, women sometimes need to hold their bladder for a very long time. It’s really shocking to realize that typical women in India, on an average, hold their bladders for upto 13 hours, risking themselves to infections. The lack of adequate toilet facilities proves a serious threat to women’s health.

This social experiment conducted by Video Daddy shows how people react to a girl trying to pee in public just like men do.

Credit: Video Daddy

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What Would Your Reaction Be, If You See A Girl Trying To Pee In Public!

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