Maggi Noodles Is Seeking Countrywide Recall & People Are Only Thinking About Stockpiling

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Everybody loves Maggi noodles!

Everybody loves Maggi noodles!

But as you may know, Nestle India has been asked to withdraw a batch of India’s most popular instant noodles ‘Maggi noodles’ from the market after it was found to contain high level of lead than permissible limit and traces of the controversial ingredient monosodium glutamate (MSG).

Now, people in India have begun freaking out for all the wrong reasons. People are less concerned about the fact that their beloved instant noodles brand contains high level of lead and it could potentially endanger their health but they are more worried for Maggi noodles getting recalled, pulled off from stores and possibly getting ban India wide. And if that happens then how will they consume their favorite food of all.

People freaking out!

So let’s stockpile…

^Now that’s a true fan right there.

It’s gettings serious.

Also, it’s time to tease others.

Time to tease others.

Some see it as profitable business opportunity.

Profitable business opportunity.

Ban Maggi! Why not ban everything?

Why not ban everything?

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