Bollywood Is Expected To Support Salman Khan, But Their Tweets Are Not ‘Being Human’ At All

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While Salman Khan fans and the whole Bollywood are on one side, justice is on the other. While we understand the industry’s love and support for Salman Khan, we cannot ignore how some celebrities have stopped showing any semblance of humanity.

Sure, support Salman Khan, but not like this. This is inhumane.

Bollywood Support For Salman Khan

Bollywood Support For Salman Khan

Bollywood Support For Salman Khan

And the most cringe-worthy tweet from the singer where he compared common man with dogs…

Bollywood Support For Salman Khan

Designer Farah Khan’s analogies baffled us.

Bollywood Support For Salman Khan

Bollywood Support For Salman Khan

And Rishi Kapoor’s reply to Abhijeet.

Bollywood Support For Salman Khan

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