18 Reasons Why You Just Can’t Go To The Gym Today

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At some point in our lives, we’ve all taken gym memberships. But the fact that we miss the gym everyday, 5 years in a row, is a different story altogether. ;)

Here are some of the most hilarious excuses people make to avoid the gym at any cost and keep remaining unhealthy.

1. I have a headache.

It’s a mild one, but can’t take risk.

I have a headache

2. My dog has a headache.

Really bro? Really?

My dog has a headache

3. I think I am having a heart attack.

Sounds legit.

I think I am having a heart attack

4. It’s raining outside, how can I go?

It's raining outside, how can I go?

5. It’s so hot outside, how can I go?

Let’s just wait till the weather is perfect.

It's so hot outside, how can I go?

6. Kal hi to gaya tha… is week ke liye kafi hai.

Or last month gaya tha, so that’s good enough.

Or last year.

Kal hi to gaya tha... is week ke liye kafi hai

7. I might fall on the treadmill and embarrass myself.

Totally valid reason.

I might fall on the treadmill and embarrass myself

8. My gym shorts are dirty

Let me buy those new shorts first, then I’ll go regularly.

My gym shorts are dirty

9. I need to eat more to gain strength.

…then I will go to gym.

I need to eat more to gain strength

10. I’ve got no time.

Because… *thinking of an excuse*

I've got no time

11. It’s Sunday, bro.

…or anyday.

It's Sunday, bro

12. Kal se regular, pakka… Cross my heart.

God promise.

Kal se regular, pakka... Cross my heart

13. My dad might call me and you know how he is when I don’t answer his calls.

He is going to kill me with his eyes.

My dad might call me

14. I have to go to the bathroom.

… and who knows how long that might take, right???

I have to go to the bathroom

15. No WIFI in the gym.


No WIFI in the gym

16. I am perfect as I am.

I’m already in a relationship, so who do I need to impress?

I am perfect as I am

17. One of the trainers at the gym has scary eyes.

He is a vampire.

He is a vampire

18. This is the worst gym. Will join new one next month.

Never gonna happen.

This is the worst gym

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