8 Pictures Displaying A Father In Different Roles Will Make You Say ‘I Love You Dad’!

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Usually mothers get all the attention and fathers are seen as provider for family. We do not realise very often but fathers always get our back when we are in need. Whenever we get into some trouble, want to learn something new or need some advice or guidance, we always turn to our father.

He is not just the bread earner for a family, but a comforter. He makes all of our troubles go away just like that. That’s why we always want to be like him when you grow up.

These images by ScrollDroll will show you a father in different roles. No one in the world like a DAD.

Your personal horse at your service.

Father in different roles - Your personal horse at your service.

One Santa Claus who never disappoints you.

Father in different roles - One Santa Claus who never disappoints you.

Teaches you anything and everything whenever you need him.

Father in different roles - Teaches you anything and everything whenever you need him.

Your first real life superhero.

Father in different roles - Your first real life superhero.

Even breaks the rules, just for you.

Father in different roles - Even breaks the rules, just for you.

Provides you, without even asking for it.

Father in different roles - Provides you, without even asking for it.

Your best friend who guides you throughout your life.

Father in different roles - Your best friend who guides you throughout your life.

He is there for you, ALWAYS!

Father in different roles - He is there for you, ALWAYS!

Dedicated to all the dads out there! Happy Fathers Day!

Source: ScrollDroll

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